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📈 usage

Below is a sample of the many ways to run binarium.

📦 JS

Quickly compile your JS project into executables for all platforms and architectures

Automatically detects the JS runtime you are working in. Only accepts node, deno, bun

import { build } from 'binarium'

await build( {
 input  : 'src/cli.js', // JS or TS file. You can add it without the extension
 name   : 'app-name', // default is input filename
} )

🟢 Node

Quickly compile your Node project into executables for all platforms and architectures

import { buildNode } from 'binarium'

await buildNode( {
 input  : 'src/cli', // JS or TS file. You can add it without the extension
 name   : 'app-name', // default is input filename
} )

This function works thanks to ncc, pkg and esbuild, which facilitate this process.

Alternatively, if you are working in a node environment, you can do:

import { build } from 'binarium'

await build( {
 input  : 'src/cli', // JS or TS file. You can add it without the extension
 name   : 'app-name', // default is input filename
} )

🦕 Deno

Build Deno executables (deno compile wrapper)

import { buildDeno } from 'binarium'

await buildDeno( {
 input  : 'src/cli', // JS or TS file. You can add it without the extension
 name   : 'app-name', // default is input filename
} )

🍞 Bun

Build Bun executables (bun build --compile wrapper)

import { buildBun } from 'binarium'

await buildBun( {
 input  : 'src/cli', // JS or TS file. You can add it without the extension
 name   : 'app-name', // default is input filename
} )


Use it from Cli.

binarium --input src/server.js --name app-name
binarium node --input src/node-server.js --name node-app-name
binarium deno --input src/deno-server.js --name deno-app-name
binarium bun --input src/bun-server.js --name bun-app-name

🛠️ With config file - advanced configuration

For more advanced configuration you can use a configuration file. Supported formats are: .mjs, .js, .json, .yml, .yaml, .toml, .tml.

In the configuration file you can define your build options and configure advanced options of the build itself using the nodeOptions|denoOptions|bunOptions key.

Node Example

binarium node --config binarium.config.js
// binarium.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'binarium'

export default defineConfig( {
 name    : 'my-app-name',
 onlyOs  : true,
 nodeOptions : { esbuild: { tsconfig: './tsconfig.builder.json' } },
} )

Deno Example

binarium deno -c binarium.config.js
// binarium.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'binarium'

export default defineConfig( {
 name    : 'my-app-name',
 onlyOs  : true,
 denoOptions : { flags: [ '--allow-all', '--no-npm' ] },
} )

Bun Example

binarium bun -c binarium.config.js
// binarium.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'binarium'

export default defineConfig( {
 name    : 'my-app-name',
 onlyOs  : true,
 bunOptions : { flags: [ '--packages external' ] },
} )